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 Partial List of Reasons to Sell Stock:

Bad Purchase

Fixing a mistake *
   An Investment is just a speculation that went bad......and you did not sell.
Company Declining Changes in Profits, Leverage, Key Metrics *
Company Changing Strategy, Direction, Management, Focus, Unique Attributes *
Risk Tolerance Changes Your willingness to accept risk changes *
Balancing Wealth Diversify assets: Stocks*/Bonds*/Real Estate/Private/Crypto
Reduce Concentration Too much of wealth in one Security. *
Intra-Sector Diversification  
Move within a sector to reduce company exposure. *
Inter-Sector Diversification Move between sectors to reduce industry exposure. *
Goals Met Time Horizon or Price Point *
Sell-off/Technical Signals Market Timing or move to cash *
Tax Changes Anticipated Rate Increases *
Tax considerations. Offset Gains/Losses *
Opportunity Cost Better Investments Available off "The Street"
Liquidity Money for other uses: taxes, education, vacations, etc.

 * items that require selling one and buying another.


Complete List of Reasons to Buy a Stock

1 You think it will go up.


How to Evaluate Your Portfolio

Review your protfolio by removing one stock.

Would you buy the one stock at the current price for your portfolio? 

If no, sell the one stock & find a replacement.

Quote of the Day

Todays Churchill Thought

Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival.



President Bush was re-elected in 2004 by less than 31% of all eligible voters in the United States.